Sunday, February 24, 2013

Let the Journey Begin

"This isn't a tale of derring-do, nor is it merely some kind of 'cynical account'; it isn't meant to be, at least…. If he's a bit of an adventurer, he could have experiences which might interest other people and his random account would read something like this diary."
— Diary introduction to “The Motorcycle Diaries” by Ernesto “Che” Guevara

Writers are taught that the opening paragraph should have a hook that piques the reader’s attention. Beginning a blog/journal about hand-cycling (an outdoor activity) in midwinter is ill-timed at best. With temperatures fluctuating all over the place (Monday: High 32f & freezing rain; Tuesday: High 63f a record & T-storms; Wednesday: Low 18f & snow) and the roadways covered by a gritty mixture of sand, I think it is wise to stay indoors. So please bear with me over the next few weeks as I ready myself for this upcoming endeavor  Be warned from the outset that I don’t envision an epic journey down through Latin America like Senor Guevara. This will be a diary/journal/blog of my musings regarding my exploits centered on my “Top End-Force G” handcycle.

As you can see from my “About Me” profile, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1998.  I’ll skip all the trials and tribulations of what I have been through over the past 15 years. Suffice it to say that physically I am a mere shell of my former self.  Prior to the onset of the disease I was running about 20 miles a week and taking 25 mile bike rides. Today I find it difficult to walk the dogs around the block.

I try to keep upbeat about things, but not being able to run really bothers me. So much so, that I actually dream about running. Take last night as an example: I dreampt I was removing my belongings from the coat-rack as I prepared to leave the fitness center after a workout. I discovered that the person who had departed just before me had forgotten his satchel. Grabbing the forgotten satchel I JOGGED after him in an effort to return his belongings to him. Now this is where it gets a little weird, as I closed in on him, I realized the person I was trying to catch was President Obama, and the satchel had turned into a black briefcase. Not just any briefcase, but the BLACK BRIEFCASE that contains those nuclear bomb “fail safe” codes that were featured in many of the Cold War movies I saw as a youngster back in the ‘60’s. He thanked me as I gave him the briefcase. I then turned around and JOGGED back to gather-up my belongings. My sensation was “oh I saw the President” (like no big deal) but DAMN I JUST RAN!!!” Of course upon waking I realized that I had just had another one of  my weird-ass dreams.  For more of my crazy dreams Click Here

As I alluded to in the prior paragraph, I try to go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week, using machines and free-weights to maintain my core strength. Unfortunately MS symptoms have weakened my leg muscles to the point where I have difficulty pedaling stationary bikes with enough intensity to achieve a cardio workout. This concerns me because my parents either had or have heart problems.  Then, a few months ago, the fitness center added an exercise bike with cranks for both feet and/or hands. Incorporating this machine into my workout gave me the cardio exercise that I was looking for. Cranking away got me to wondering about whether there is an actual bicycle powered by hand.

An online search was my introduction into the world of handcycling.  I quickly realized that these highly specialized bikes are a bit pricey to say the least. Low-end models start around $2000 and a top-notch racing model goes for about $5000, both of which were out of my price range. Bike shops in town couldn’t offer much advice. On a whim I asked the facility manager of fitness center where I work-out if he had any ideas. He recommended that I contact the director of the regional adaptive sports program (Wheelchair basketball, wheelchair racing etc etc). An exchange of introductory emails provided me with little new information so I was back to square 1. After few weeks went by, she sent me a promising e-mail. One of her basketball players had contacted her about his desire to sell his handcycle…

As you have probably figured out by now, I bought the handcycle. It has been  a couple of months since I purchased it, but because of the weather conditions I have only taken it out for a couple of spins. I have to tell you  the sensation of the wind blowing through my hair as I as I propelled myself forward was so wonderful. So until weather conditions improve I have been focusing on increasing the strength and endurance of the muscles of my chest, arms and shoulders.

So that’s where things stand now. I will update this journal/blog  with updates