Friday, May 10, 2013

#12) Thursday Morning Ride


 The forecast was calling for thundershowers beginning mid afternoon, so I decided to go over to the Arboretum as soon as I finished feeding and walking the dogs.


The park is open from 7am until sunset which is perfect for me. It will allow me to avoid going out in the heat of the day, once summer weather gets here. (Extreme heat causes MS symptoms to worsen for many) . I am curious about how they enforce the sunset closing, because there is sure to be many great sunset photo-opportunities,


David Rogers' Big Bugs
  Aside from a few hikers and runners the roads were empty. ~<;-)
Imagine, if you will, you’re driving through the Black Forest on a roadway full of twists and turns. You’re in a sports car. The top is down. The breeze is flowing through your hair. That’s what I felt like today.

??? growing in the parking lot

I am getting to “know” the layout of the course better. One of the inclines is deceivingly long. From a distance, what appears to be the crest of the hill is actually a temporary plateau where the road bends to the right before it continues higher for 200 more yards. Whoever laid out the roadway wasn’t thinking about trying to make things easier for cyclists. If they had been thinking along those lines they would not have put sharp turns at the base of the hills. These turns tend to break any momentum you have built up.

I finished my Main Route circuit of 4.89 miles in 28:49 averaging 10.9mph and posting a top speed of 22mph. 

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